Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB)

Teaching across the spectrum of mechanics and research ranging from experiments over material or microstructural modeling to data-integrated simulation

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About us

The origins of the Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB) reach back to Otto Mohr and the 19th century. Since the year 1970, the institute has existed roughly in its present organizational form with several chairs respectively working groups. It is characterized in particular by its size (as one of the larger institutes dealing with mechanics in Germany) with nevertheless very broad thematic orientation. From a global point of view, the institute's research builds a bridge from physical experiments via modeling on the micro- or mesoscale, subsequent homogenization to multiscale-based modeling, functional and 'intelligent' materials and their modeling to data-integrated or data-driven simulations (which incidentally close the loop). Since recently, its research also extends to soft robotics, embodied physical intelligence and mechanical metamaterials. Further information about the institute in general are accessible by clicking the below link-box.

The Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB)


This image shows Holger Steeb

Holger Steeb

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Institute Director

This image shows Sekretariat




[Image: Sälzer-Sekundarschule]

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